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hee是什么意思 hee的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-01-21 23:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. Hee,你没事吧2. Hee,你看到那个漂亮的花园了吗Translation:

Chinese meaning: hey (used as a greeting or to get someone's attention)

Pronunciation: hē


1. Hey, are you okay?

2. Hey, have you seen that beautiful garden?




例句:Moved on: with difficulty and Labour hee. (挺进着:负着困难辛劳的他。)


例句:E 'certain that it was the General Jun'hee? (和 肯定的是 它是 一般Jun hee?)


例句:From October 1996 to August 1997... when Hee disappeared, you were inJapan. (从九六年十月至九七年八月 金明姬在首尔消失了 原来你是去了日本做整容手术)


例句:LORD: But this is heaven ! Someone like you, has no place here ! Hee-yah ! (翻译:上帝:但这里是天堂!这里没有你这种人的位置!嘿呀!)


hee一般作为名词使用,如在hee haw(n. 驴叫)、tee hee(int. 嘻;嘻\nn. 窃笑声;(窃笑声)嘻嘻\nv. 同“tehee”\n[网络] 铁黑)、park chung hee(朴正熙)等常见短语中出现较多。

hee hawn. 驴叫tee heeint. 嘻;嘻\nn. 窃笑声;(窃笑声)嘻嘻\nv. 同“tehee”\n[网络] 铁黑park chung hee朴正熙例句

1. From October 1996 to August 1997... when Hee disappeared, you were inJapan. (翻译:从九六年十月至九七年八月 金明姬在首尔消失了 原来你是去了日本做整容手术)

2. LORD: But this is heaven ! Someone like you, has no place here ! Hee-yah ! (翻译:上帝:但这里是天堂!这里没有你这种人的位置!嘿呀!)

3. Jun'hee may have already ' put your data at risk. (翻译:Jun hee可能已经申请过 把你的数据处于危险之中)

4. Judging from these lines, netizens have started to conclude that Yoon Baek Hee will become the world star 'K'. (翻译:从以上这些线索判断,网友们纷纷开始断定说[尹白熙]将会成为世界明星‘K’。)

5. Ladies and gentlemen, this year's new Pepper Boy is CHOI Hee-chul from Yongkang Town! (翻译:女士们 先生们 今年的新的辣椒男孩 是来自恿江镇的崔熙哲!)

6. I heard even Jin-hee's moving out of the ICU. Why? Are you envious? (翻译:我听说最近他打那个叫根细胞注射的 还能自己活动)

7. Hyun Joon kisses Seung Hee unexpectedly, and their secret relationship within the NSS starts. (翻译:终于有一天贤俊突吻了胜熙 从那以后两人在NSS展开了一段秘密恋情)

8. Since I left my bag on the train, if I could reach Hee-chul, (翻译:因为我在火车上丢下了我的包 如果我找到了熙哲)

9. Your son ripped Hee-chul's forehead and his grandma went nuts. (翻译:你的儿子抢了熙哲的头位之后... 发疯了)

10. Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere. (翻译:慕容熙昏庸暴虐,赋税很重,痛苦不堪,怨恨四起。)

11. Um, first, I wanted to say that won-hee and i met our freshman year at columbia. (翻译:首先呢 我想说元熙和我 是在哥伦比亚大学读大一时认识的)

12. Moon Hee Jun, the charismatic ex-leader of legendary Kpop boy band, H. (翻译:文熙俊,富有超凡魅力和传奇色彩的韩国前男孩组合H。)

13. During Yeonsan's rule, Jung Hee Yang said this about mixed drinks. (翻译:米酒与烧酒的混合,等于时代的深水)

14. It would be over, if I had left to do Jun'hee. (翻译:这将是结束了 如果我离开做Jun hee)

15. I suggest that Jun'hee and 'Land of 219 with a purpose. (翻译:我建议Jun hee 和 地球219有目的的)



'hee' 不是一个完整的单词,它可能是一种情感词语或笑声的表达方式,通常用于口头交流中。它没有固定的词性,常常用作感叹词或附加词。

在英语中,'hee'通常与'ha'、'hee hee'、'haha'、'ho ho'等相似的词语一起使用,表示笑声或高兴的情感。这些表达方式在不同语境中也有不同的含义。


1. 她看了一部很有趣的电影,哈哈大笑了起来。 She watched a very funny movie and burst out laughing, hee hee.

2. 那个小孩子听到了一件好笑的事情,高兴地笑出声来,“嘻嘻”。The child heard something funny and giggled happily, "hee hee".

3. 这个小丑表演真的很搞笑,观众都在放声大笑,“呵呵”。The clown performance was really funny and the audience was laughing aloud, "haha".

4. 我们在看一部喜剧电影,感觉非常愉快,不时会哈哈大笑。We were watching a comedy movie and feeling very happy, laughing out loud from time to time.

5. 他的笑声听起来就像一只鸟的咯咯叫声,非常有趣。 His laughter sounds like a bird chirping, very funny.

6. 他不停地嘻嘻笑,让人无法不注意到他的存在。He kept giggling and attracted people's attention.

7. 这是一个嘻嘻声的社交媒体应用,用户可以通过分享自己笑声的录音来互动。This is a social media app that uses "hee hee" sounds, and users can interact by sharing their recorded laughter.

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